Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The update you have all been waiting forrrrrr!!

This is my friend Amanda. I miss her. She is such a doll!

 How do I even explain my love for these two crazy girls. Selena and Sarah have been my long lasting sisters. Selena just got married (Pictures posted). And Sarah is going on a mission. I love these two ladies more than myself. I will always be there for them, and they will be there for me. Sellerds and Chicago. :D
Marji. Tiane. Sara. Julie. and me. These are just a pinch of my sisters. We went out for Korean food and realized we were all wearing boots so we took a picture. Smart Sara cropped out our feet as well as the meaning of the photo. ;)

Again, The classic red head, brunette blonde joke. This is Selena's wedding. She is gorgeous. I love my girls. I wish her all the happy slappyness that I as a commoner could give.
Me and Hagrid. Outside the theater at the Harry Potter 7 part 1 opening. :D that was a good day. Nay. Great

My love! Matt and I at my family's Halloween party. I was pregnant and he was in trouble. heh heh get it?

This is when Matt came home from his mission for 2 years (holy crap!) in Brazil. I missed him so much. I will never let him go anywhere cool without me now :D
 This is Jules. My sister. I work with her and without her I would shrivel up and become a raisin to be eaten by the birds. Which Julie hates, along with strawberries, falling, and watching the end of shows to see how they end. :D ALL LOVES FOR JULIE!

 Lake Powell. Best decision on 2011. More photos to come of that fab vaca in August 2011.
 HEY! Hey you there! Keep kissing! :D tee hee. This is me and Matt at my family's Christmas party. Anyone notice the hair clip. Tell me what show it is off of and I will give you a smile :D
Sellerds, me and Matt. I love those two. this is a pretty old picture....but all of these are :D
 Now THIS is an old pic. SHOOT! This is most of my family, cousins and all at my grandparents house. It was pretty bright out. You can see me at the bottom of the stairs burrowing my head in my lap to drown out the painful ultraviolet rays that were threatening my life.
 This is an old one at my brother's wedding. I am the one near the bride. The one with the awful shirt.
OLD! This is in the backyard of my Grandma's house. You see Zoe is very happy. and I look like a tomato! HI mom and dad!
 Another wedding. Surprise, surprise. I loved that green dress. Notice the very artistic cut corners. Very artsy.
And that is me with a very short, lice free, haircut. I'm so darn cute.

Dark hair? I enjoyed it. While it lasted. I am going back blonde for my wedding.

This is Matt. Matt dropped my favorite pie :(
 When Matt Proposed. :D He is such a cutie!!! It was the happiest day of my life.....until the day I marry him. Holler.
Halloween. Richard, Shanae, ME, Zoe....and I have no idea :D I should have cropped her out. :D

 Me and Charly. I love this child. I will kidnap her and always have her. Did I mention I love this child?
 SANTA!!! I met him! I told him I wanted Jane Eyre. Guess What? I got Jane Eyre...from Matt. Same thing.
 I love that tree at SLC Temple square. And I love my penguin hat.
 We all love the roses. Sarah REALLY likes it....yummy?
 Notice my hand. Ya. epic. I love these girls. I love how everyone, and I mean everyone has their eyes closed.
 There we go. Eyes wide open. Good job.
 I can't remember what I was saying....it must have been important thought....
 Me and my love. The next wedding will be ours!....except the many others I have to attend...but you get the idea!
 Another one of us LOVING those flowers!
 I don't know what it is but I LOVE this picture. So awesome. Smoky. Sexy. Fire.y.
 AH. This is the St. George Temple. That is a bit of the group that was at Lake Powell. Awesome people. I met some awesome people.
 OOOOOoooo! Yummy! Look at those eloquently made hats and turkeys! Holler! I rocked those. I made them for Thanksgiving. I got the idea from pinterest. :D mmmmmm Pinterest.
 Tubing! Lake Powell. Seriously so fun. I only tubed once. Not my thing but it's ok. I had fun :D
 Shayn face and me on the boat. Our hair looks so hot here.
 Another picture from the Christmas party. I love him.
 Witch festival. That witch was crampin' my style.
 Lake Powell, Leeds edition. Most. Amazing. House. EVER! The pool is as big as my apartment. And that is not a joke!
 Notice the batman chest hair boy. Holler. Luke. You are the man.

 Nothin' says girls night quite like chocolate facials. Don't worry. It was not real chocolate. Trust me. It sure didn't taste like chocolate!
 ah............yes..........no explanation...........

Another picture from Selena's wedding. Not quite sure why I am making that face....aw well. I still pull it off.
 Selena and me. We played with the camera. It was fun. We are cute.The End.
 This is Matt's, and my future, family. I love them all. especially the cute blonde curly hair one. She is my favorite. Sorry Matt. ;)
 Matt and I at a really fancy dinner...place. Whatever.
 He is HOME!
 Needless to say I was really happy...:D
 Woop woop! Aggie!
Oh. Here is another from my Gamma's backyard. You see me there.....making the face.....or trying to rip off my face? Ya. That's me.
 Colton, Richard, Spencer, Andrew, Me, Doney and Syd. Llama festival. Good times. Very good times.
 Me. Again. With the face. -.-
 The Lake Powell group Owling. Look it up. (:
 Over used peace signs. Seriously Keira. Stop making a peace sign in every picture. You look Asian when you do that.
 Lake Powell group Planking. Win! I am planking on the ground.....expert level!
 This is a poster I made for Matt when he got home. He barely looked at it and didn't even eat the candy. Oh well. I don't care. He is HOME!
 When he flew in to Utah. He surprised me :D
Hair, facial...and whatever Aizy is doing. Love those kiddos.

Sorry it was all so random and jumbled. This is just a quick update of my life loosely described to you (vaguely) using pictures. So deal with it. I love you all. Until next time.
Peace and olives.