Friday, March 15, 2013

I've been inspired...or fooled?

I have been inspired in my life. Right now, I am most currently inspired to write on my blog. 

Throughout my life I have been easily, what is the word, confused with my abilities. I have never really said to myself, "I am only good at this and so therefore, I will do only that." I fool myself by saying, "I could totally do   insert crazy notion here.  

Lemme esplain.

I watch a lot of T.V. shows. A lot. And for some reason I love, love, LOVE competitions shows like Project Runway, America's Next Top Model, and any of the Food Network shows. 

I think my first one that attracted me was America's Next Top Model. My favorite parts of the episodes were the photo shoots. I loved all the cool ideas of photographing the models. And this is where my obsessions goes south. I start thinking, "ya, Like, I could TOTALLY be a model.....ya." and "Psh, I could have totally done this shoot better, Brittany obvi did not BRING IT!" 

                            This is how I feel after watching too many episodes of ANTM

Next, I started LOVING watching the Food Network. Now, I really do have a knack for cooking. I can cook rather well, but after watching the episodes I think to myself. "I could do this. I could totally be a chef!" and "I should open my own restaurant and make all these delicious things!!!" 

I would be all "I could make this!"

When in reality, it would prolly look something like this. 
A sad cat.

Starting to see the pattern?

Now, my current obsession comes in the form of Project Runway. Where has this show been all my life! We are already in the 13th season and I haven't seen this yet! (Notice when I get all "fierce" when talking about this show. It affects me). This show actually was a big deal for me! I love fashion and I love clothes, so obviously I start thinking to myself, "You could totally be a designer!" and "I totally get where Joshua is coming from and he has great sewing skills, but Anya is so talented! I should tots be a designer...." 
This is me after watching PR :)

This is how I think I would feel if I became a designer... 

Aaaand, This is how it would end for me

Well, I think that is it from me today :)

And I was really excited! Today is the first time I have used gifs in my post. To show you how I am feeling. I will express in this:

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