Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My path...

My path is in the mountains. I'm on a hike. It's beautiful out here. The sun is shining through Aspen and Quaking trees. The wind is whistling through the leaves. The crunch of sticks and pine needles under my bare feet resonate through my body. The aroma of dirt and pine surrounds me. I see a stunning crystal cup near a beautifully clear stream. The cup sparkles in the sun; it looks like a thousand diamonds in bedded on the paper thin chalice. The design on the cup is remarkable. Indescribable. It makes me thirsty. I dip the chalice in the stream to satisfy my thirst but before I can drink of this sweet tantalizing water a key catches my eye. A beautiful intricate key. Old fashioned. The kind that opened doors to old Victorian doors. This key is large and has an angelic design that seems to wrap all along the key. I pick up the key and cherish it. I look on the other side of the stream. There is a wall. A tall wall. An inevitable wall. Lush vines dance up and down the wall in many exquisite fashion and tease my eyes. At the base of this wall is a door. An old door. caret initio et fine; it lacks a beginning and an end. There is a bridge that crosses the stream and leads to that door. That bridge! Oh how to describe the beauty of that bridge! The bridge is hard to cross. Many complicated steps and obstacles restrict my way; instead of just swimming my way across and risk losing my key I push my way through the bridge. At last! I reach this door. This mysterious yet beautiful door. With my key; and only with my key I open the door through the wall. I walk through the threshold. I see my family. My blessed family with their love for me shining on their faces. My joy is full. Then I see a man. I lose all speech and thought. He hugs me tight and comforts me while I exclaim in earnest, "My Lord, my God! I am home."

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sellerds and Kiglack.
Moonlake Summer '10

Chicago and Kigbig
Social Experiment Summer '10

Mammy and Me.

"we are the best of friends..."

Words of wisdom

my rendition of Lady Gaga. hahaha!

This is a joke...right?

Really Utah?! Snow?! And not just a little fluffs. The sticky kind of snow that sticks to tree branches and porch railings. Yesterday I felt comfortable in shorts and sandals. Today I need a parka. I'm waiting for someone to pop out from somewhere and say, "April Fools!!", and take away this blanket of white death.

Well, let's move on. There is some good things about today! General Conference so far this weekend has really been inspiring. This year is probably the year that I looked forward to and actually listened....well....most of the time. I'm hoping Elder Holland will speak. He is my favorite. Ha ha. Call me a religious nerd. Do it. I dare you. I don't care. I live what I believe and I'm proud of what I believe. I feel like in the future my religion will become a motive for persecution. I hope I am ready you know? I hope that persecution won't drag me down; I hope it would raise me higher.

Peace Reader. Peace.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools!

So it's April!!! And what a beautiful day in Logan!!! Ahhh....I think I will go on a walk today! Winter sucks. There is not one good thing about winter. You overeat and gain weight. It's dark by 6 o'clock. It is bitter cold so you end up staying inside the whole day. Not to mention how dangerous it is to drive after a snow storm. And here in Logan the winter lasts FOR-EV-ER! Days like this need to be appreciated. So, Reader. Get off your butt and off your computer (*gasp*) and go take a walk. Breath the Spring air. Feel the warm sun.
I want to get off my butt too so I will hurry and finish. I'm going home this weekend to watch General Conference with my family and friends. I have a feeling this year is going to be utterly amazing.
Oh ya. Day one of no Facebook. And 50 days til Matt gets home. :)
Peace Reader.