Wednesday, February 29, 2012

You have no idea...

You guys have NO idea the trouble I went through to do this post. I am at work and I had to download Google Chrome because my work e-mail is gmail and that would not accept me to be signed in another Google account to write on my blog. (you SEE! everything is connected with Google! -,-) Anywho, I have Google Chrome up and going and I am typing away while being very, unnecessarily busy at work.
I have more time today to update for all my readers. ;)
I moved from Logan to Lehi to live with my sister. I enjoy living there. I am ready to have my own place with Matt tho ;)
I work with my sister Jules at Novus. I am a receptionist for about a THOUSAND companies. It's an alright job. I answer about a million calls a day and write down a billion names and numbers. Buy HEY! It pays the bills....and the wedding :D
I am getting married June 9th! I got my temple recommend last Sunday. I am so excited! I have not gone and did baptisms for the dead in about 2 years. Too long. I am going to the temple today. I am excited to go there and find the peace of mind I need for a person planning a wedding. ;)
Pish Posh Post....what else to needlessly talk about. PINTEREST. Approved.
Ok. I will post some pho-tos later. :D
Peace and peaches!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kiglak...
    Thanks much for your valiant efforts in getting this post written. :) It's good to see you're ALIVE! And well! I'm glad wedding plans are coming along... it's crazy crazy planning such a thing, don't you think?? I bought my dress yesterday... :D SO EXCITING! But anyways. Love you muchly dear girl and I hope to be getting more updates, yes? ;) Best of luck with wedding plans! Love you!
